About Media Brand

India has the most lively media business in the world. Not the largest but certainly the liveliest. It is the only major economy where all media is growing - print, TV, audio and online. Add to that a dozen major languages as well as the energy of a tumultuous democracy.

(Which other country has hundreds of news channels?) All this put together makes the perfect recipe for an effervescent and yet fiercely competitive media and entertainment business.

What is the implication of all this for the women and men who are custodians of media brands? It means that they have to work doubly hard to ensure that their brands stand out in this crazily competitive confusion. It is not often appreciated that media is among the most heavily promoted of all categories.

That is why afaqs! has introduced the Media Brand Awards, an event devoted to a sector that has an especially high frequency of marketing communication. Consumers have to be told about shows and special initiatives throughout the year.In media and entertainment, every day is launch time! The Awards will identify and celebrate extraordinary initiatives by all media brands - be it from print, TV, audio or online or OTT.

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